Supporting parents & children
to bring back the joy into family life
How can we help?
Parenting is the most important and the most challenging job, and the job for which there is no training. When things go wrong at home, we can help you gain back your confidence as a parent, get rid of feelings of guilt and support you and your child to re-connect. Our bespoke, hands-on programmes include:
Practical Parenting Advice will guide you in:
understanding your child’s behaviour and engaging without creating conflict
using techniques to calm emotional storms and supporting your child become emotional resilient
life changing situtaions like divorce, death of a family member or mental health issues
Parent-Child Sessions will help to:
resolve relationship challenges using the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Model (CPS)
improve communication between family members
establish mutual respect and bring back the joy to family life
Therapeutic Support for Parents
reduces parental stress
help discover your unique resilience for a happier and more positive future
What are the benefits?
Whether you seek support for yourself as a parent, or together with your child, parents report positive changes at home often after only a few sessions. Those typically include:
Greater confidence in their parenting ability
Harmonised parenting styles and better team-work between partners
Restored relationships through more effective ways of communication
Deep enjoyment of, and mutual respect for each other
“A big thank you for all your support in helping us understand our daughter’s behaviours and motivations. We have found a good balance in how this impacts us as a family, by being more mindful of our communication and expectations, and by working to create a unified environment as parents. ”
“The kids are great and we are seeing the benefits of the sessions with you. We are not perfect but we are clearly better equipped to deal with toddler behaviours and better at talking to them, which has resulted fewer challenging situations.”
“Your help was invaluable in moving from a situation where we just didn’t know what to do, to one in which there seem to be a lot more possibilities - thank you so much! ”
“Sandra asked the right questions to make us realise that it has to be us parents who need to be emotionally ready to change the dynamic at home. Her practical tips helped us to turn things around quickly. We feel more equiped as parents after only 2 sessions. ”
“I can see great changes in my son. The joint sessions helped him to express his feelings verbally instead of showing his frustrations. He is able to process and understand his feelings now which has given him great confidence. The sessions also helped me as a mum to realise how my behaviour triggered him and how to change this around. ”
“The parent sessions have helped with the way I think about my parenting and how I engage with my girls. My default behaviour to situations of challenge and stress was a short-temper, annoyance and shouting. Now it feels like a weight has been taken away from me and I can talk and react calmly and with empathy towards my kids”
“It has been really helpful to talk things through and get some new tools to deal with this parenting lark! It’s amazing for me to think how desperate I became towards the end of last year and how different things are now.”
“Through parent-child sessions my daughter and I found space to play, connect and listen to one another. We worked through some issues that had felt too fraught and overwhelming to figure out at home. Our communication and relationship has improved significantly as a result.”